As next steps, this short document to onboard and guide you as smoothly as possible for the 0xTitans: season 2 taking place on the 4th of June: 14:00 CET

on Twitch —> 😊

(Click on the toggles)

1) Key material

Visualization of the game

Rules guide:

Access to the platform for practicing (+ Tutorial):


(Short form to fill out if you want to participate on behalf of your company/community):

2) Secondary material

Context and traction from the first edition

(Interview of the past winner (Uniswap) + Some articles from crypto medias about the last edition + Tweets)

Format and schedule Description:

Vision & thesis (research paper) around the game (MUST READ)

Book a 10-15 min onboarding call if you need more info

Prediction game (for the viewers)