
OGame is a browser-based, money-management and space-war themed massively multiplayer online browser game with over two million accounts. OGame was created in 2002 and is produced and maintained by Gameforge. Players can have multiple planets a fleet and attack each other to steal resources. Different kind of playing styles are possible, for example someone could adopt a peaceful playing focusing on mines development and exchange of resources, while other could engage in a more aggressive style developing massive fleets to crash some others and steal their resources.

Ogame Cairo will be an incomplete information 100% on chain, planets are NFTs and resources ERC20 tokens. ERC1155 will be implemented to represent fleets of different kinds of ships. This will massively improve the UX and will provide ownership of the assets that a player will spend time developing and or money to buy it from others.

The original version of the game is still live, but in the recent years pay to progress options have been introduced, it goes without saying that this ruined the gameplay.

Game Play


Each planet will be an unique NFT with different levels of rarity that will effect the game play, eg. size of the planet, surface temperature. More specific details are still to be worked out, but the design space is pretty much infinite here. Ehach player will have to receive a planet from the manager smart contract prior start playing, this functionality is already implemented in the current version of the game.


There are 3 type of resources:

Each one of the resources is produced by its specific mine, each mine can be developed separately, each mine level has an increasing cost and an increase in production. The resources production is defined by a formula, eg. ((6 * mine_level) * (11mine_level)) / 104 is the formula for the metal production. Metal is produced faster than crystal and deuterium hence considered the cheapest. There’s no limit to the level a mine can be developed but the cost of advancing a mine does not scale linearly with the production amount so that over a certain level is not economically viable to increase the mines levels and other means to gain resources must be found.

Example of metal mine cost and production progression.

Example of metal mine cost and production progression.

Production and Profit vs Cost

If you build a level 13 metal mine it will take around 5 hours to get back the metal used to build that level.

If you build a level 13 metal mine it will take around 5 hours to get back the metal used to build that level.


There are four main facilities: